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Would a federal prosecutor tell a judge he never interviewed a witness when an FBI interview summary confirmed he was there? Would Prosecutor Dan Kasaris really have a sexual relationship with a criminal defendant who testified in multiple trials? Would prosecutors let a government witness take the Fifth Amendment during a trial? Would prosecutors convince their Office Manager to befriend Tony and record a series of post-indictment conversations to gain insight into defense trial preparation? Would an FBI Agent listen to illegally made tapes but claim he didn't know where he got them or what he did with them after he heard the contents? It's all here in our evidcence locker! Please share your thoughts on our blog!
FBI Agent Jeff Kassouf Says He Listened To Tapes He Didn’t Possess
Can an FBI agent listen to tapes the FBI made without “possessing” them? Can the federal government obtain exculpatory evidence then shift it to a “joint federal state task force”
The Justice Department’s $7.2 Billion Scam
December 22, 2016 — Today’s $7.2 billion settlement between the Justice Department and Deutsche Bank contains admissions that the bank knowingly made mortgage loans that did not meet its lending
Dan Kasaris case overturned due to wrongful prosecution!!!
Breaking News, The Dan Kasaris forced conviction of fmr. Ohio rep. Pete Beck was overturned this week. The details are still coming out but definitely a wrongful prosecution case looks
Prison Radio Interviews the Only Federal Prisoner who Proved his Innocence at Trial
Prison Radio www.PrisonRadio.org recently interviewed Tony Viola, asking him to explain why he remains in jail after proving his innocence at trial. Tony was charged with tricking banks like JP
Proven innocent at Trial but in Jail for Thanksgiving
Tony Viola is the only federal prisoner who proved his innocence at trial but remains in jail. We need your help exposing what has transpired in Tony’s case, including:
Prison Radio
A great website www.PrisonRadio.org which helps wrongly convicted prisoners get exposure on their cases. Tony recently did a phone interview with them detailing his case. Follow the link below and
Federal Judge Orders Production of Dan Kasaris & Kathryn Clover Emails
New Blog Posts Straight from Tony to you: FEDERAL JUDGE ORDERS PRODUCTION OF E MAILS BETWEEN PROSECUTOR DAN KASARIS AND KATHRYN CLOVER — “Expedited Production of Tapes” also required —
Intimidation Letter from Kasaris
All of the following was transcribed verbatim, bad grammar and all, from letters issued to citizens attempting to expose corrupt politicians. RE: Ohio Revised Code Section 2921.03(a) September 29, 2016
North Royalton councilman and Senior Assistant Ohio Attorney General Dan Kasaris is threatening to prosecute citizens for helping run this web site. Kasaris, upset that details about his romantic relationship
EXCLUSIVE: Dan Kasaris hired his Girlfriend Kathryn Clover as an Employee of the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office!!!
OCTOBER 11, 2016 — Dan Kasaris turned an informant and government witness into an employee of the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office, according to Kathryn Clover’s resume, obtained exclusively by an
FBI Investigating Prosecutor Dan Kasaris’s Sexual Relationship with Government Informant Kathryn Clover
–OCTOBER 4th, 2016 — FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Senior Assistant Ohio Attorney General’s four year romantic relationship with criminal defendant and government witness Kathryn Clover is the subject of an
Who Prosecutes the Prosecutors????
Who’s going to investigate Prosecutor Dan Kasaris’s romantic relationship with my Co-Defendant? My case contains an amazing amount of prosecutorial misconduct, including missing evidence, a botched government spying operation, a
The Versatile Arvin Clar-More business as usual, Please Read and Respond
I was investigated by a joint federal-state mortgage fraud task force, and I’m in jail for tricking banks into making no money down loans. But the task force’s lead investigator
Federal Judge OKs Addition of Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office as a Defendant in Public Records Lawsuit
July 19, 2016 — Federal Judge Susan Paradise Baxter granted a motion to include the Cuyahoga County Mortgage Fraud Task Force as a defendant in a public records lawsuit seeking
Proving Government Misconduct in my Case, by Tony Viola
I’m often asked why it’s taking so long to correct the obvious injustice in my case, especially since I won a second trial on identical charges and proved my innocence
Why did Facebook shut down the FreeTonyViola fan page?
On May 12, 2016, Facebook Global Marketing Solutions sent an e mail stating that the FreeTony fan page “had been removed from the platform … due to violating our terms
Flawed Mortgage Fraud Prosecutions Result in Innocent Citizens Remaining in Jail
After the financial crisis in 2008, the Department of Justice funded so-called Mortgage Fraud task forces throughout the country. These joint federal-state task forces prosecuted real estate agents, sellers, buyers
Jay Milano Needs Money
I was in the middle of the federal criminal trial, an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone, when my attorney, Jay Milano, told he needed an emergency loan to keep
Did Prosecutor Dan Kasaris Sleep with His Lead Witness, Kathryn Clover?
Just what type of relationship did Prosecutor Dan Kasaris have with his lead witness? The government’s lead witness in my case, Kathryn Clover, purchased or managed all of the properties
See the Facts For Yourself
Don't take our word for it, check out the evidence from Tony's second trial and see for yourself how prosecutors suppressed proof of Tony's innocence before his first trial. Our evidence locker tells the whole story, using the government's own documents and records to confirm that prosecutors broke the law to "win" the case.